Patient and Family Advisory Council

Partner with us by Becoming a Member of the Patient and Family Advisory Council.

 What is the Patient and Family Advisory Council?

The Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is a group of previous patients or family members, representing the community, who come together to serve as advisors to the hospital; bringing the perspectives of patients and families directly into the planning, delivery, and evaluation of care.

The PFAC was initiated in late 2016. The council is an excellent resource for the hospital, providing insight on many projects, policies, and procedures

  1. Would YOU like to share your positive and negative experiences and help Bellevue to improve its systems and processes?
  2. Would YOU like to meet new people and listen to their experiences?
  3. Would YOU like to participate in hospital improvement projects?
  4. Do YOU have a positive attitude and like to be a member of a team?
  5. Do YOU have some flexible time to attend around 9 meetings a year?


If yes, then this is the right place for you! Join the Bellevue Patient and Family Advisory Council and contribute to a positive change!

What do PFAC advisors usually do?

  1. They meet frequently to discuss hospital areas for improvements
  2. Participate, when needed, in focus groups
  3. Participate, when needed, in Board of Directors meetings
  4. Participate in discussion groups
  5. Participate in hospital tours and identify areas for improvements
  6. Review the hospital strategic plan, relevant policies and procedures, and give input
  7. Serve as members of the council

Who can be a patient and family advisory council?

  1. Patients and patient’s relatives that have used Bellevue services in the past 5 years
  2. Patients and relatives who have experienced different hospital services
  3. Members of the community surrounding the hospital, such as schools/universities, members of the municipality, etc.
  4. Any person interested in working on improvement projects in collaboration with the hospital staff and leadership, giving insight and feedback, with the best interest of improving hospital processes in mind.

You do not need any special qualifications to be an advisor!

What’s most important is your experience as a patient or family member!

We will provide you with any other training you need!

What are the advisors responsibilities?

  1. They share insights and information about experiences in ways that others can learn from them
  2. They act as patient representatives and raise patient voices
  3. They reflect the community needs and perceptions of hospital services
  4. They see beyond personal experiences
  5. They respect the perspectives of others
  6. They speak comfortably and frankly in a group
  7. They interact well with many different kinds of people
  8. They attend meetings on time
  9. They perform the tasks and/or activities assigned to them
  10. They ensure the confidentiality of all discussions
  11. They act as active members in hospital committees and hospital community activities

And most importantly they get to meet new people and contribute to a positive change

For more information about being a patient and family advisor:

To get more information about becoming a member of our Patient and Family Advisory Council at Bellevue Medical Center or to find out how to apply; Please email us at :


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