send your papers through whatsapp
Required documents for registration and financial clearance:

Physician Request, not exceeding 15 days (for outpatient exams) or Admission request (for hospital admissions)

Copy of ID

Copy of valid insurance card (if patient under insurance coverage)
Note: for patients under NSSF coverage, preauthorization is required for MRI or CT-Scan exams
Radiology Exams
Cath Lab Exams Pulmonary Services
Neurology Exams
Lab Exams
After 4:00 pm, this counter is closed. Please proceed to B1 billing counter or ER for financial clearance
Physiotherapy Services
For patients under insurance coverage:
From the comfort of your home, you can send the required documents mentioned above and we will obtain insurance approvals:
For outpatients: Whatsapp number 71-167000, or
For inpatients: Whatsapp number 71-104000, or